Invasion of the Animal People 1959

Aliens release a furry critter in the wilds of Lapland where it takes a woman captive and threatens a group of scientists.

The Cast

Barbara Wilson-Diane Wilson
Sten Gester-Erik Engström
Robert Burton-Dr. Frederick Wilson
Bengt Blomgren-Col. Robert Bottiger
Åke Grönberg-Dr. Henrik
Gösta Prüzelius-Dr. Walter Ullman
John Carradine-Narrator
Brita Borg-Singer

The Director: Virgil W. Vogel
The Writers: Robert M. Fresco, Arthur C. Pierce, Arthur C. Pierce
Music by: Harry Arnold,Allan Johansson
Certificate : X

Film Trivia

The scientists fly up to Lappland in an SAS Convair 440 Metroliner, "Trygve Viking", then onto the landing site in a Swedish army Noorduyn Norseman.
Shot in 1958.